Walking around barefoot while you’re on the beach or at the pool is fun. The problem is, going barefoot can create a whole host of problems. You could step on hard pebbles or stones, the hot sand could burn your feet, you might step on a sharp object and cut yourself or maybe slip in a puddle or other wet area by the pool. Any of these scenarios is enough to ruin all the fun! But, you can avoid all of those unpleasant possibilities by simply wearing the appropriate footwear.
WHAT’S THIS? Imagine them as “insoles” against your feet. With the Barefoot Sticky Soles you feel just like you’re barefoot, but you’re still protecting your feet. These Soles are made of a comfortable, elastic material that can easily be affixed to the feet. Taking them off isn’t difficult at all, but they’re not easily washed away by water either. The Soles are waterproof, heat resistant, cut-proof and serve an anti-skid function. Sticky Soles are available in Pink, Blue or Black.
They’re absolutely perfect for the beach or poolside!